Preventive Care Annually Please!

I am living proof that Annual Preventive Care Visits are the most important Doctor’s Visit that you can attend. At the end of 2015 I received all my annual tests. If you are like me you hate these visits, but they are one of the best tools for keeping us healthy. One test came back positive, I had Cervical Cancer. I was devastated, how was this happening. My doctor did a D&C and then scheduled a hysterectomy. I should have researched first, second opinions are always good to have.

Know Your Preventive Care Diagnose

My cancer was caught in the very early stages so I was assured I had nothing to worry about. However, I worried regardless of these reassurances. Hysterectomy tissue showed no form of cancer, this was good news, but I had to ask “why not”? I asked a doctor I once worked for and this is what she told me:

  1. Having more than one partner in your life puts you at risk of Cervical Cancer.
  2. Cervical cancer develops very slowly. It can take years or even decades but it will still likely take at least 5 years.
  3. It can go into remission all on it’s own.
  4. It can be completely removed by a D&C.

Live and learn right? Cervical cancer is curable, but doctors can’t not know for sure that it will not come back after treatment. So they call it remission, when cancer goes away and not causing symptoms.

My Next Diagnoses

In 2017 my annual Preventive Care visit included a CT of the Lungs. This revealed I had Cancer in the Left Lung. I met three different Oncologists and the one I chose could not have made me happier. The Team that Cared for me was wonderful. This too was in the early stages so 3 rounds of chemo and 60 rounds of radiation and all has been good for 5 years. Remember to get that second opinion however.

In 2018, 3 months after finishing my lung cancer treatments, my annual Monogram showed early stages of Left Breast Cancer. Because I had radiation on the left lung they wouldn’t do a Lumpectomy, I had to have a Mastectomy. The surgeon made an appointment with a plastic surgeon for reconstruction. The reconstruction was a mess, 8 surgeries before I found a new Plastic surgeon that made it look much better. However, my oncologist still jokes that it’s the Frankenstein Breast. I did not get a second opinion on the plastic surgeon, didn’t learn.

Wonderfully Cancer Free

Preventive Care

All of my cancers were different, not one causing the other and I have been in remission for 4 yrs. And each cancer was discovered due to an Annual Preventive visit, each one found in early stages. And not once did I ever feel sick or just bad. I had no idea that there was something so horrible in my body.

This is why I feel so strongly about everyone, no matter what age, go and have your Annual Exams. They can be life saving and everyone’s life is worth saving. And most insurance plans cover these visits at 100%.

There is really no excuse for not having your Annual Preventive Care Visit every year. Male or female, from birth to death, this is the number one step to living a healthier, longer life. Parents are so good about making and keeping all the Annual visits for the kids. Why not ourself’s? Don’t our kids need us, happy and healthy?

But you need to look after yourself, for you and for them. Life gets busy and it’s easy to forget, put a reminder in your phone, on a post it note, somewhere you will see it often. So if you have not scheduled your annual preventive care visit yet, do it soon, please!

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